Avaya IP Agent option dialogs
Avaya IP Agent Installation and User Guide for Citrix June 2007
Call Information Display panel
The Call Information Display panel contains the following items:
● Display call information on the title bar during a call - When this check box is enabled,
Avaya IP Agent displays information about the active call in the title bar of the main
● Replace call information with phone directory entry - When this check box is enabled,
Avaya IP Agent uses the information from the Phone Directory if the telephone number
for the active call is found. If the telephone number for the active call is not found, the call
information from the Avaya communication server is displayed.
● Display call information using Japanese font - When this check box is enabled, Avaya
IP Agent displays all information in Japanese. This feature is available only if the Japanese
version of Avaya IP Agent was installed.
● Enter the size of the font to be used to display call information on Call Information
Panel - Use this field to select the point size of the font that Avaya IP Agent uses to display
call information in the Call Information Panel on the main window.