
Login Settings dialog box
Avaya IP Agent Installation and User Guide for Citrix June 2007
Prior to administering the audio port range values, you must set the IP network region with
which the endpoint will be associated. See the documentation for your Avaya communication
server for information on network regions.
It is important that the intersection of the audio port ranges set for Avaya iClarity IP Audio and
for the Avaya communication server overlap by at least 100 ports. In the event that the overlap
is less than 100, the range reported by the Avaya communication server is ignored.
For example, if the port range is set to 51000-51100 and the Avaya communication server
reports an audio port range of 50950-51005, then the overlap is 5 and Avaya iClarity IP Audio
ignores the range reported by the Avaya communication server.
Note: The Avaya communication server may require that you enable ports 1719 and
1720 on your firewall for proper communication.