Avaya IP Agent Installation and User Guide for Citrix June 2007 37
Chapter 4: Avaya IP Agent enhanced
configuration options
This section provides information and procedures for configuring advanced features in a contact
center that uses Avaya IP Agent.
This section contains the following topics:
● Configuring the Emergency Call Handling Service on page 37
● Configuring Alternate Gatekeeper on Avaya communication servers on page 40
● Configuring server load balancing across gatekeepers on page 40
Configuring the Emergency Call Handling Service
The Emergency Call Handling Service (E911) allows IP Endpoints to use numbers that connect
to emergency services, such as 911 in the United States. When used, this feature reaches only
the emergency service in the Public Safety Answering Point area where the Avaya
communication server is located.
WARNING: Because IP Endpoints do not dial to and connect with local emergency services
when dialing from remote locations, agents or extensions in remote locations
should not use this feature for emergencies.
Avaya Inc. is not responsible or liable for any damages resulting from misplaced
emergency calls made from an Avaya endpoint. Your use of this product indicates that
you have read this advisory and agree to use an alternative telephone to dial all
emergency calls from remote locations.
This section contains the following topics:
● Administering the Avaya communication server for Emergency Call Handling on page 38
● Administering Avaya IP Agent for Emergency Call Handling on page 38