
Chapter 10: Dialog Reference
124 Avaya IP Agent Installation and User Guide for Citrix June 2007
ACD Agent panel
The ACD Agent panel contains the following items:
Configure program for EAS agent support - When this check box is enabled, Avaya IP
Agent supports the Expert Agent Selection (EAS) feature for Avaya communication
servers. Otherwise, Avaya IP Agent supports a non-EAS environment. EAS environments
use skills and non-EAS environments use splits.
Prompt for agent ID and password during agent login - When this check box is
enabled, Avaya IP Agent displays a dialog box when an agent requests a login to the
Avaya communication server. The dialog box prompts the agent for agent ID and
Save agent password during agent login - When this check box is enabled, Avaya IP
Agent saves the password of an agent after a successful login.
Automatically log into the ACD - When this check box is enabled, Avaya IP Agent
attempts to automatically log the agent in to the Avaya communication server after
successful extension registration.