Chapter 6: Authentication Services 79
This encryption mode is not recommended for wide area networks (WANs).
•Click Use SSL in Certificate-based Trust Mode to use SSL encryption for data
transmission. The DSView 3 software will approve the server and then the certificate
before transmitting data. This SSL method provides maximum security.
10. Click Use an Active Directory Global Catalog to have the AD service access the global catalog
for the specified domain name.
11. Click Use Kerberos for User Authentication to use the Kerberos protocol for authentication
requests, including the browsing. If enabled, you must use DES encryption types for this
account. If an account was created prior to Active Directory, the user’s password must be
changed after this setting is changed. In addition, the Active Directory server addresses must
be resolvable to their host names via DNS.
When this is not checked, the LDAP protocol will be used.
12. Click Save to save your changes.
• If you selected Use SSL in Certificate-based Trust Mode, the Certificates heading will
appear in the side navigation bar. Go to step 13.
• If you selected Do Not Use SSL or Use SSL in Trust All Mode, go to step 16.
13. Click Certificates. The Authentication Service Certificate Management - AD window opens
and list all servers in that domain. A status of Trusted indicates the certificate is trusted, based
on the certificate policy (see System certificate policy and trust store on page 44); Untrusted
indicates the certificate cannot be trusted.
14. To register certificates:
a. To select one or more certificates, click the checkbox to the left of the server IP addresses.
To select all certificates on the page, click the checkbox to the left of the IP
Address heading.
b. Click Register above the IP Address list to register the certificates. The Accept SSL
Certificate window will open.
c. Click Save to store the certificate values to the DSView 3 software database on the host or
click Close if you do not wish to save the certificate values.
The Authentication Service Certificate Management window will open if only one
certificate was selected. If more than one certificate was selected, each will appear in
order in subsequent Accept SSL Certificate windows.
15. To unregister certificates:
a. To select one or more certificates, click the checkbox to the left of the server IP addresses.
To unregister all certificates, click the checkbox to the left of the IP Address heading.
b. Click Unregister to unregister the certificates.
c. A confirmation message box will appear. Confirm or cancel the operation.
16. Click Close. The User Authentication Services window will open.