198 DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Access rights for a unit group default to inherit if they are not explicitly granted to a user or user
group. For example, if you create unit group A and subgroup B, by default any access rights you
assign to group A will be propagated to group B.
There are other ways to assign access rights; see How access rights can be assigned on page 131.
To change the name or display of a unit group:
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click Groups in the top navigation bar. The Unit Groups window will open.
3. Click on the name of a unit group. The Unit Group Name window will open.
4. Type a new 1-64 character name in the Group field. The name must be unique within the
parent group. For example, two groups can be named “development” but they cannot both be
members of the unit group “Huntsville.” (This unique name restriction does not apply to
personal unit groups that are owned by different users.)
5. If you do not want the unit group (or any of its child unit groups) to appear in the side
navigation bar, enable the Do not display this unit group nor any child unit groups as unit
views checkbox.
6. Click Save and then click Close.
To add or remove members in a unit group:
NOTE: Removing a unit group or unit member from a unit group does not delete the group/unit from the DSView
3 software system or any other group to which it belongs.
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click Groups in the top navigation bar. The Unit Groups window will open.
3. To add or remove a group member of the unit group, click Members in the side navigation bar
and then click Groups.
To add or remove a unit member of the unit group, click Members in the side navigation bar,
and then click Units.
NOTE: If you select a group container (Global Root or Personal Root), you can only add unit groups as members
- you cannot add units; therefore, when you click Members in the side navigation bar, Groups is the only choice.
You cannot add units or groups to the global unassigned unit group.
4. The Unit Group Members (Units) or Unit Group Members (Groups) window will open.
Click Assign.
5. The Assign Units to Unit Group window will open.
• To add one or more units to the unit group, select the unit(s) from the Available Units list,
then click Add. The units will be moved to the Units to Assign list.
• To remove one or more units already assigned to the unit group, select the unit(s) from the
Units to Assign list, then click Remove. The units will be moved to the Available
Units list.