48 DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a secure network that uses public infrastructure and typically
includes several Wide Area Network (WAN) components that may impact performance of
the VPN.
Typically, two sites are connected in a VPN network using WANs and a router. This setup provides
a secure network between the two sites, but processing is slow.
Several factors related to the network setup, including the DSView 3 software database replication
schedule and methods of device access, can affect the speed of a multi-site VPN network. The
trade-off must be made based on the network setup.
Frequent replication of the DSView 3 software database will increase WAN/VPN traffic but
provide steady data reception at the local sites. Infrequent database replication made at the various
sites decreases the WAN/VPN traffic but delays the reception of changes at the local site.
In addition, the methods used to access devices affects network speed. VPN access of a managed
appliance is always slower than local access.
The DSView 3 management software supports VPNs that provide full transparency for IP
addresses, as well as ports between sites and many VPNs that perform network address translation
(NAT) between sites. For example, the VPN in Figure 4.2 could use NAT if Site A and Site B are
separate companies that merged but have not resolved their IP addresses. See NAT Devices on
page 49.
Figure 4.2: DSView 3 Software System on a VPN
Table 4.5: DSView 3 Software System on a VPN Descriptions
Number Description Number Description
1 DSView 3 Software Client 7 Replication