
354 DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
VT52 terminal emulation
Table D.10 lists the keystroke mapping (encoding) for VT52 terminal emulation.
Table D.11 lists the decoding for VT52 terminal emulation.
Erase Pn Characters Esc [ Pn X
Table D.9: VT220 Decoding (Continued)
VT220 Keyboard Function VT220 Keyboard Byte Sequence
Table D.10: VT52 Encoding
VT52 Keyboard PC Character Sequence VT52 Keyboard Byte Sequence
Delete Delete 0x7F
Up Arrow Up Arrow Esc A
Down Arrow Down Arrow Esc B
Right Arrow Right Arrow Esc C
Left Arrow Left Arrow Esc D
Shift-F1 PF1 Esc P
Shift-F2 PF2 Esc Q
Shift-F3 PF3 Esc R
Shift-F4 PF4 Esc S
Table D.11: VT52 Decoding
VT52 Keyboard Function VT52 Keyboard Byte Sequence
Cursor Up Esc A
Cursor Down Esc B
Cursor Right Esc C
Cursor Left Esc D
Cursor Home Esc H
Reverse Linefeed Esc I
Erase to end of screen Esc J