Chapter 19: Using the Telnet Viewer 263
window when you are connected to a device or port. After the preferences are entered, they are
applied to devices/ports during subsequent sessions.
To change the window background and/or text color:
1. Select Options - Preferences from the menu. The Preferences dialog box will appear.
2. To change the background color, click the Background/Normal Mode box in the Colors section
and select a color. The default color is blue.
3. To change the text color, click the Text/Normal Mode box in the Colors section and select a
color. The default color is white.
To change the cursor appearance:
1. Select Options - Preferences from the menu. The Preferences dialog box will appear.
2. In the Caret list, choose Block to display the cursor as a block or choose Underline to display
the cursor as an underline. The default value is Underline.
To enable/disable an exit warning prompt for Telnet Viewer sessions:
1. Select Options - Preferences from the menu. The Preferences dialog box will appear.
2. Enable or disable the Prompt on Exit checkbox. When the exit warning prompt is enabled, a
message appears when you select Telnet - Exit. You may then choose to exit or continue the
session. When disabled, the session closes without further prompting. The default value
is enabled.
To enable/disable autoscaling:
1. Select Options - Preferences from the menu. The Preferences dialog box will appear.
2. Enable or disable the Auto Scale checkbox. When autoscaling is enabled, the user may reduce
or expand the virtual terminal window by dragging a corner of the window. When autoscaling
is disabled, the virtual terminal window will not scale when the view is changed; instead, scroll
bars will appear around the window. The default value is enabled.
Customizing Session Properties
When you are connected to an appliance or port using the DSView 3 software Telnet Viewer, you
may specify session properties that will be stored and reused every time you connect to the selected
appliance or port. When you select Options - Session Properties in the DSView 3 software Telnet
Viewer, the Session Properties dialog box will appear containing Terminal, Login Scripts and
Logging tabs.
To change the terminal window size:
1. Select Options - Session Properties from the menu or click the Session Settings icon in the
toolbar. The Session Properties dialog box will appear.
2. Click the Terminal tab.
3. In the Rows list, choose a value of 24 or 48. The default value is 24.