Modem 3600 6-11
Maximum Reliable Block Size \A
The \A command sets the maximum transmit block size for MNP
connections. Use this command to force the modem to transmit smaller
blocks in an MNP connection. A smaller block size maximizes
throughput when marginal line conditions are causing errors. The
modem sends a block up to the size specified by the \A command.
Transmit Break / Set Break Length \B
The \B commands tell the local modem to send a break signal to the
remote modem. In all modes except direct, S79 determines the length
of the break sent to the DTE by the modem receiving a break signal over
the link. S79 may be set directly or via \Bn where n=1-255 in 20 ms
increments. The default is 35 (700 ms).
Set Auto-Reliable Buffer \C
This determines whether or not a modem in reliable mode will buffer
data received from a modem that is not in reliable mode during the 4
seconds in which the modems try to establish a reliable link. Use these
commands when the modem is in the auto-reliable mode and is expected
to process a call from a modem not in a reliable mode.
Command Operation
\A Maximum transmit block size = 64 characters
\A1 Maximum transmit block size = 128 characters
\A2 Maximum transmit block size = 192 characters
\A3 Maximum transmit block size = 256 characters
Command Operation
\B Sends a break signal to the remote modem (does not
modify S79)
\Bn Sets S79 to length of break desired; n=1-255 in 20
ms increments; default= 35 (700 ms)
Command Operation
\C Disable auto reliable data buffer
\C1 Buffer data for 4 seconds or 200 characters