AT Commands
5-6 Modem 3600
Digit / Word Selection V
The V command tells the modem which type of response message to
show on the monitor. Some software requires digit response messages
but words are easier to remember.
Response Displays Q
The Q command enables or disables response messages. The modem
still responds to commands when the response display is inhibited.
Negotiation Displays W
The W command enables or disables negotiation response messages.
These messages are verbose negotiation status displays to alert the user
to the link rate, protocol, and DTE rate.
Protocol Result Codes \V
Enable or disable protocol result codes. Table 5-1 lists these codes.
Command Operation
V Enables digit response messages
V1 Enables word response messages
Command Operation
Q Response display on
Q1 Response display off
Q2 Response display on in originate mode only
Command Operation
W Disables negotiation displays
W1 Enables negotiation displays
W2 Displays DCE link rate only
Command Operation
\V Disable protocol result codes
\V1 Enable protocol result codes