Hardware Options
Modem 3600 E-5
&M page 5-
Asynchronous dial / asynchronous data
&M1 S27 Asynchronous dial / synchronous data
&M2 S27 Dials stored number when DTR off / on
transition is detected / sync data
&M3 S27 Manual dial / sync data
&M4 S30 V.25 bis autodialer with BISYNC
protocol / sync data
&M5 S30 V.25 bis autodialer with SDLC protocol
/sync data
&M6 S30 V.25 bis async dialer / sync data
&M7 -- V.25 bis async dialer / async data
&M8 page 5-
-- V.25 bis async dialer / BISYNC
protocol / sync data (EBCDIC)
&M9 -- V.25 bis async dialer / SDLC protocol/
sync data (EBCDIC, NRZ)
&M10 -- V.25 bis async dialer / SDLC protocol/
sync data (ASCII, NRZ1)
&M11 -- V.25 bis async dialer / sync data
&P page 5-
S22 39/61 pulse make / break ratio
&P1 S22 33/67 pulse make / break ratio
&R page 5-
S21 CTS normal operating state
&R1 S21 CTS forced on
&R2 S72 CTS follows DCD
&R9 S72 CTS equals RTS
&S page 5-
S21 DSR always on
&S1 S21 DSR on when ready to accept data
&S2 S21 DSR off for 5 seconds after disconnect
&S3 S21 DSR follows off hook (OH)
&T page 7-
-- Terminate current test
Command Page S-Reg Description
cannot be executed from remote configuration mode