Status Registers
Modem 3600 10-3
S-Register Operation Sn?, Sn?^
Enter ATSn? to read a register value, where n=register number for a
decimal value or ATSn?^ for a hexadecimal value.
For example, to determine the current backspace character enter
The screen will show the ASCII value of the backspace character stored
in register S5.
Changing Register Values Sn=v, Sn=^v
To change an option using ATS commands requires the operator to
precalculate the revised decimal (or hexadecimal) total.
Because of the chance of miscalculating the bit sum,
causing unplanned option changes, writing to an
S-register is discouraged. For operators who prefer this
method of option selection a much simplified command
that eliminates the decimal calculation is explained in the
“Individual Bit Command Sn . # =v” section on pa ge10-4.
To change a register value, enter
where n = register number and v = decimal value, or enter
where ^v = hexadecimal value.
Not all registers can be set by the ATSn=v (or ^v) command.
Some registers are for reference only.
To change the escape character from + to the Esc key (ASCII value of
27) enter
To return the modem to the command mode press the Esc key three
(pause) Esc Esc Esc (pause)