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Your vehicle is equipped with an L.P.G. (Liquid Propane Gas) system which, when properly handled and maintained,
will provide trouble and worry free operation of your L.P.G fueled appliances.
L.P.G. fuel is stored in a liquid state under extremely high pressure.As fuel is used, L.P.G. passes from the top of the
tank through the regulator into the gas lines and eventually to the appliances.
Although the entire system has undergone extensive factory and dealer testing for leaks,the system’s connections
and fittings are subjected to road vibrations and therefore should be checked annually for possible leaks.
L.P.G. fuel is extremely flammable, colourless, heavier than air and smells like garlic or rotten eggs.
IF YOU SMELL GAS,extinguish any open flames, pilot lights and smoking materials immediately. Do not touch any
electrical switches. Leave vehicle, shut off the gas supply at the tank valve and open doors and windows to provide
maximum ventilation.Leave the area until the odor clears.Have the system checked and the leak corrected before
L.P.G. fuel tank valve must be open to operate gas fueled appliances.
WARNING: L.P.G. tanks shall not be placed or stored inside your vehicle. L.P.G.tanks are equipped with safety
devices which relieve excessive pressure by discharging gas to the atmosphere.
WARNING: To reduce the danger of fire or explosion do not store gasoline or other flammable liquids inside your
WARNING: Ensure you purchase L.P.G. from a reputable L.P.G. facility.Contaminated L.P.G. is a common cause of
system failure.
WARNING: Follow all recommended maintenance schedules.