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Never clean your wheels when they are hot either from free standing in the sun, or from normal road use.
Always clean wheels when they are cool to the touch of your hand. If you spray any type of cleaning agent,
corrosive or not, they will stain a polished and chrome wheel and even some clear coated wheels. Period. No
matter how expensive they are.
Clean your wheels either early in summer mornings or dusk on summer evenings. A good practice is not to clean
them in direct sunlight. We are experiencing different UV and ambient temperatures, from a result of a changing
ozone. This also plays havoc on tires as well.
Clean rims using mild soap and water. Some strong cleaning agents will spot polished wheels every time.
Avoid car washes if possible when your wheels are hot.This could stain the wheel.
In time,due to brake and regional temperatures in North America, the wheel’s lustre will fade,so from time to time,
use a premium polish wheel cleaner/polish to keep the natural polished finish.
Never use steel wool or coarse abrasive pads to clean ANY wheel.This will cause permanent damage, and will not
be warranted by the wheel manufacture.
It is recommended to place Vaseline, or some type of oil based cooking grease and coat the wheels during the
harsh winter and touch them up from time to time or have a set of winter wheels and tires.