
The provisions of this limited warranty shall not apply to deterioration due to wear and exposure beyond the
following limitations:
1. For one (1) year or 12,000 miles (in US) or 20,000 Km (in Canada),which ever occurs first, from date of
purchase by the first Purchaser for sewage hose, curtain fabric,seating fabric, carpet, cup holders, exterior
stripes and decals,running board trim, and black and grey water tank valves.
2. For two (2) years or 24,000 miles (in US) or 40,000 Km (in Canada), which ever occurs first, from the date
of purchase by the first Purchaser for leather seats.
3. For three (3) years or 36,000 miles (in US) or 60,000 Km (in Canada), which ever occurs first, from date of
purchase by the first Purchaser for exterior painted surfaces.
Home & Park Limited Motorhome Warranty is void unless the following conditions are adhered to:
1. Warranty Card on Vehicle must be completed by the Dealer and faxed to Home & Park within 48 hours of
date of retail delivery.When warranty applications are made and Warranty Card is not on file at Home &
Park, reimbursement of claim will be delayed until proof of original purchase is submitted to Home &
2. All warranty claims must be submitted on a Home & Park Motorhomes Warranty Claim form and properly
completed including Vehicle Identification Number (V.I.N.),odometer reading and Home & Park Limited
Motorhome Warranty start date (date of retail delivery).
3. Warranty work that will exceed $200 must first be authorized by Home & Park before proceeding
with such work.The authorization number issued by Home & Park must be noted on the warranty claim.
4. Home & Park reserves the right to inspect defective parts that have been replaced under warranty.Dealer
is expected to hold selected parts for a period of not to exceed 60 days.
5. Only parts and accessories and other material,available through Home & Park are to be used in the
performance of warranty service.
6. Warranty repairs performed a second time by a Dealer (due to incorrect or inadequate diagnosis,
improper assembly or repair, or lack of proper testing when the original warranty repair was performed)
are considered as shop comebacks and are not reimbursable.Costs of such repairs must be adsorbed by
the Dealer.
7. All claims must be submitted within 30 days of the date of repair.
8. Purchasers are responsible for presenting their vehicle to a Roadtrek Dealer as soon as a problem exists.
The warranty repairs should be completed in a reasonable amount of time from date of authorization.
This limited warranty is expressly in lieu of any other expressed or implied warranty, including any implied warranty
of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and of any other obligations or liabilities on Home & Park
which neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any other liability in connection with
Vehicle manufactured by it.
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