
Home & Park warrants to the Purchaser that the Vehicle is free from defects in material and workmanship on the
portion manufactured by Home & Park, under normal use and service,for four (4) years or 48,000 miles (U.S). or
80,000 (Canadian) whichever occurs first,from date of purchase by the first Purchaser or the date the Vehicle was
first put into service (for example,as a demo or rental), whichever is earlier.
This warranty shall be fulfilled at a Home & Park Dealer or authorized Roadtrek repair facility.For in transit
emergency repairs,you may choose to deal with a non-authorized RV service facility.However all warranty repairs
at non-authorized RV service facilities must be preauthorized by Home & Park.Home & Park will,at its option,
replace or repair free of charge (including related labor) any defective part, about which the Purchaser shall notify
their Roadtrek Dealer within the warranty period.The obligation of Home & Park under this warranty,is expressly
limited to such replacement or repair.
The provisions of this limited warranty shall not apply to the following:
1. Accident.
2. Unauthorized repairs or alterations.
3. Normal maintenance.
4. Changes made to other units manufactured after this Vehicle was manufactured.
5 Incidental damages connected with the failure of the Vehicle such as lost time, inconvenience,loss of use
of the Vehicle, cost of rental cars,gasoline, telephone,travel or lodging.
6. Damages caused by environmental factors including,but not limited to, hailstorms, tornadoes,
sandstorms,lightning,floods, earthquakes,airborne fallout, chemicals, tree sap,ocean spray, road hazards.
7. Vehicle that has been declared a total loss by an insurance company (demolished) or a Vehicle whose
title indicates that it is designated as “salvage”,“junk”,or “rebuilt”or words of similar impact.
8. Exterior side storage compartments may not be moisture free.It is advised that you store items
accordingly. Home & Park is not responsible for goods damaged while stored in exterior storage
9. There will be no allowance for emergency road repair, towing,labor,meals accommodations, etc. Such
will not be accepted if claimed under warranty.
10. After the “QualityCare”Pre-Delivery Report is completed by the dealer, appliance adjustments, door latch
adjustments,light bulbs, fuses, battery in the smoke detector and window screens are warranted for 90
11.Aluminum wheels are not warranted against corrosion that is a result of road salt, sea salt, cleaning
chemicals or harsh driving conditions.
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