DDoocc NNoo::
CCooppyyrriigghhtt ©© HHaannmmaarr MMoottoorr CCoorrppoorraattiioonn 22000055 GG--99
NOTE: Water system must be in summer operation mode.
Your potable water system should be sanitized if it is new,has not been used for a period of time, or may have
become contaminated.
To sanitize your system:
1. Prepare a chlorine solution using 4 L (1 gallon) of water and 60 ml (1/4 cup) of household bleach,
(5% sodium hypo chlorite solution).
2. With the fresh water tank empty, (see section on Waste Water Tank Flushing), pour, (see section on Filling
Fresh Water Tank) 4 L (1 gallon) of solution into the fresh water tank for each 60 L (15 gallon) of tank
capacity.As an alternative, several commercial solutions are available and should be used as directed on
the package.
3. Complete filling of the tank with fresh water.
4. Turn on the water pump and slowly open all faucet's to release trapped air.
5. Close faucet's and allow to stand for 3 hours then drain and flush with fresh potable water.
6. To remove excessive chlorine taste or odor which may remain, prepare a solution of 1 L (1 quart) vinegar
to 20 L (5 gallons) water and pour into tank and allow solution to agitate in tank by vehicle motion,
(several days if possible).
7. Drain tank and flush with fresh potable water.
NOTE: Water system must be in summer operation mode and repeat operations 5 and 6 with water system in
winter operation mode.
To winterize your potable water system:
1. Drain the entire system including water heater, (refer to water heater manual for instructions on
2. Place water heater by-pass in the by-pass position to prevent water heater from filling with antifreeze.
3. Add 8 L (2 gallons) of approved nontoxic recreational vehicle antifreeze to the interior and exterior fresh
water tanks using both gravity fills.
4. Turn on the water pump.
5. Open all three faucet's until antifreeze is visible.
6. Open the toilet valve until antifreeze is visible. Refer to the water system winterizing
7. Turn off pump.
8. Remove the plug for the aisle shower drain and fill P-Trap with antifreeze
To prepare your potable water system for use:
1. Drain the antifreeze from the system.
2. Sanitize the system if desired.