User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 64 Configuring Routing Policies
BGP Routing Policy Page
Navigation Path
Go to the BGP Routing Policy Page, page 64-4, then click the Setup tab.
Related Topics
• Defining BGP Routes, page 64-2
• BGP Page—Redistribution Tab, page 64-6
• Specifying IP Addresses During Policy Definition, page 6-81
• Understanding Networks/Hosts Objects, page 6-74
Field Reference
Table 64-1 BGP Setup Tab
Element Description
AS Number The number of the autonomous system in which the router is located.
Valid values range from 1 to 65535. This number enables a BGP routing
If BGP is already configured on the device, you cannot successfully
change and deploy this number. If you need to change the AS number,
first unassign the BGP policy, deploy your change (thus removing the
BGP configuration from the device), then configure the BGP policy
with the new number and redeploy the configuration.
Networks The networks associated with the BGP route. Enter one or more
network addresses or network/host objects, or click Select to select the
object from a list or to create a new one.
Note To remove a network from the route, select it from the Network
field, then click Delete.
Neighbors The internal neighbors (those located in the same AS as the router) and
external neighbors (located in different ASs) of the router. See
Neighbors Dialog Box, page 64-6.
Auto-Summary When selected, automatic summarization is enabled. When a subnet is
redistributed from an IGP (such as RIP, OSPF or EIGRP) into BGP, this
BGP version 3 feature injects only the network route into the BGP
table. Automatic summarization reduces the size and complexity of the
routing table that the router must maintain.
When deselected, automatic summarization is disabled. This is the
Synchronization When selected, synchronization is enabled. Use this feature to ensure
that all routers in your network are consistent about the routes they
advertise. Synchronization forces BGP to wait until the IGP propagates
routing information across the AS.
When deselected, synchronization is disabled. You can disable
synchronization if this router does not pass traffic from a different AS
to a third AS, or if all the routers in the AS are running BGP. Disabling
this feature has the benefit of reducing the number of routes the IGP
must carry, which improves convergence times. This is the default.