User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 68 Health and Performance Monitoring
Alerts and Notifications
Step 3 On the FW panel, configure firewall-related alerts—click the FW tab to display the panel.
1. To enable email Notifications when firewall alerts are generated, enter one or more valid addresses
in the Email Addresses field; separate multiple addresses with commas.
2. Use the checkboxes in the section headings to enable and disable specific alerts. Expand a section
to update those alert definitions. The FW parameters are described in Alerts Configuration: Firewall,
page 68-33.
Step 4 On the VPN panel, configure tunnel-status alerts—click the VPN tab to display the panel.
1. To enable email Notifications when tunnel-down alerts are generated, enter one or more valid
addresses in the Email Addresses field; separate multiple addresses with commas.
2. Use the checkbox in the section heading to enable and disable tunnel-status alerts. Expand the
section to update those alert definitions. The VPN parameters are described in Alerts Configuration:
VPN, page 68-35.
Note To enable these tunnel-status alerts for a device or context, you must first configure SNMP on
the device, as described in Configuring SNMP for S2S Polling, page 68-36.
Step 5 Click Save to save your changes and close the dialog box.
Alerts Configuration: IPS
The alerts and status information collected from monitored IPS devices are configured on the IPS panel
of the Alerts Configuration dialog box. Refer to Alerts: Configuring, page 68-31 for information about
opening the dialog box, accessing the IPS panel, and providing email addresses for IPS-related
The IPS-alert configuration parameters are grouped into sections that can be expanded and collapsed.
Each section includes a checkbox next to its heading; use this checkbox to enable or disable that alert.
When expanded, each section provides access to the settings used to define the alert.
The IPS alert and status configuration parameters are described in the following table. Each parameter
can be configured separately for Priority Devices and Standard Devices. (Specifying devices for priority
and standard monitoring is described in Managing Monitored Devices, page 68-5.)
Note Some of the following alert settings require specific related parameters to be configured on the
monitored IPS sensors themselves. For example, if license-expiration-policy (health-monitor
command) is not enabled on a particular sensor, license-expiration messages are not generated by that
sensor and therefore no occurrences are tallied for it by HPM.
Table 68-4 IPS Alerts Configuration
Setting Description
CollaborationApp Status Errors generated by the CollaborationApp application are tallied.
Alerts and Notifications are generated when the number of errors
tallied reaches the specified Occurrences value.