User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 68 Health and Performance Monitoring
Alerts and Notifications
Step 1 Click the appropriate tab to display the View you want to export (that is, Priority Devices, VPN
Summary, All Devices, or another).
Tip To export the data for a subset of all entries in a particular view, create a custom view that
includes only the desired devices. See Views: Custom, page 68-22 for information.
Step 2 Click the down-arrow beside the Export button next to the List Filter field (above the device- or
VPN-status list) and choose As PDF, As HTML, or As CSV from the drop-down menu.
The Export dialog box opens.
Step 3 Select the specific information to be exported by checking the appropriate columns in the dialog box.
The following topics describe the individual columns available for various views:
• Table Columns: Device-related Views, page 68-8
• Table Columns: VPN-related Views, page 68-12
Step 4 If you chose As PDF from the Export drop-down list, at the bottom of the Export dialog box you can
choose the desired Page Size for the PDF file: A1, A2, A4, Letter, or Legal.
The pages of the PDF file will be the selected size, with the presented information formatted accordingly.
Step 5 Click Export to close the Export dialog box.
The Save file dialog box opens.
Step 6 Provide a name for the file, and specify where it is to be saved.
The default file name is the current system time (as a long integer); you can change this to something
informative. On Windows systems, the default location is My Documents; you can specify any location.
Step 7 Click Save to close the Save dialog box and export the selected data.
Alerts and Notifications
The Health and Performance Monitor (HPM) provides trend information, alerts, and notifications
regarding the performance and health of monitored devices. You can monitor the overall health of your
network—including network user and device resource utilization—by quickly scanning the status of
individual devices and groups of devices.
Specific device-level trend information is available for hourly, daily and weekly intervals. Alerts are
displayed prominently, with easy navigation to the relevant HPM data. You also can acknowledge and
annotate individual alerts.
These alerts are based on threshold values and state-change rules that you have configured: you specify
thresholds that define Critical, Warning, and Normal levels for various metrics, and you can configure
rules for certain state changes such as interface failure.
Further, there are two levels of device monitoring. Initially all devices are unmonitored. However, you
can designate devices to be monitored at a “normal” level, or at a “Priority” level—you define a separate
set of alert definitions for each level. Priority devices are polled and reported on more frequently
(five-minute intervals versus ten for “normal” devices), and failure parameters are more stringent.