User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 11 Configuring Security Manager Administrative Settings
Identity Settings Page
Field Reference
Identity Settings Page
Use the Identity Settings page to configure the Active Directory (AD) server group to use for a NetBIOS
domain for use with identity-aware firewall policies on ASA devices. These settings enable you to use
the Find feature when selecting users or user groups for identity-aware policies or identity user group
policy objects.
Tip You can also add entries by configuring the Identity Options policy on an ASA. When you save the
policy, you are asked if you want to update the identity settings administrative page. Keep in mind that
you can have a single domain-to-AD server match on the settings page, whereas you can configure
different ASAs to use different server groups for a domain. Username lookup always selects the AD
servers defined in the identity settings administrative page, regardless of what server group is configured
for the individual ASA that you are configuring.
Navigation Path
Select Tools > Security Manager Administration and select Identity Settings from the table of
Related Topics
• Creating Identity User Group Objects, page 13-19
• Selecting Identity Users in Policies, page 13-21
Table 11-14 Health and Performance Monitoring Page
Element Description
Event Management Options
Enable Health and
Performance Monitoring
Lets you enable or disable the Health and Performance Monitoring
service, which allows Security Manager to collect event information. If
you disable this feature, you cannot use the HPM application.
Tip If you change this setting and click Save, you are prompted to
confirm that you want to start or stop the Health and
Performance Monitoring service. If you click Yes, the service
is started or stopped immediately, and you are shown a progress
indicator and told when the change is completed. Wait until the
status change is completed before continuing.
Save button Saves and applies changes.
Most changes require that the Health and Performance Monitoring
service briefly stop and then restart. If you change whether the service
is enabled, it stops or starts, as appropriate. You are shown a progress
Reset button Resets changes to the last saved values.