
User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 8 Managing Deployment
Working with Deployment and the Configuration Archive
Related Topics
Overview of the Deployment Process, page 8-1
Including Devices in Deployment Jobs or Schedules, page 8-8
Understanding Deployment Methods, page 8-8
Understanding How Out-of-Band Changes are Handled, page 8-12
Job States in Workflow Mode, page 8-6
Step 1 Click the Deployment Manager button in the Main toolbar.
The Deployment Manager window appears. Click the Deployment Jobs tab if it is not active.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
Click Create to create a new job.
Select an editable job and click Open to edit the job. You cannot edit a job that has already been
The Create a Job or Edit a Job dialog box opens.
Step 3 In the dialog box, do the following to define the contents of the job:
Job Name and Description—Keep the default job name or enter a more meaningful name. Because
the job name enables you to distinguish one job from another, you should assign a name that reflects
the contents of the job. You cannot change the name after you create the job. Optionally, enter a
description of the job.
Select the devices to which you want to deploy configurations. The device selector lists all devices
for which policy changes were made but not yet deployed, and initially all changed devices are
selected for deployment.
All device groups that contain changed devices are shown, and you can select or deselect the devices
using the device group folder. If you select or deselect a device that appears in more than one group,
it is selected or deselected in all groups; however, a device is deployed to only once in the job.
Right-click and select Expand All to open all of the folders.
If you detect out of band changes, when you close the OOB Changes dialog box, the device names
are color-coded based on the results: green indicates out of band change; red indicates an error
during the detection process; no color change indicates no out of band changes.
If you want to add devices that do not have policy changes to the deployment job, click Add other
devices to open the Add Other Devices dialog box (see Add Other Devices Dialog Box, page 8-54).
You might want to add unchanged devices if a device was manually modified and you want to return
the device to its previous configuration (the one stored in the Security Manager database).
(Optional) To change the method used to deploy configurations, click Edit Deploy Method to open
the Edit Deployment Method dialog box (see Edit Deploy Method Dialog Box, page 8-31). There is
a system default deployment method (which your organization chooses), so you might not need to
change the method. You can select these methods:
Device—Deploys the configuration directly to the device or to the transport mechanism
specified for the device. For more information, see Deploying Directly to a Device, page 8-9 or
Deploying to a Device through an Intermediate Server, page 8-10.
File—Deploys the configuration file to a directory you select on the Security Manager server.
For more information, see Deploying to a File, page 8-11.
Before proceeding with the deployment, you can do the following: