General Tips
1. Always wear a helmet and other protective riding gear.
2. Cobra recommends that you tell your child to take it easy the first couple of
minutes in practice until the engine comes up to full operating temperature.
3. Make sure your riders’ foot is not resting on the foot brake while they are
4. Evaluate the bikes jetting only after it has been warmed up to race
5. A properly maintained machine is safer, faster, and more fun to ride.
6. Your Cobra Motorcycle has a 10 digit VIN (Vehicle Identification Number).
The first two digits indicate the model and the seventh indicates the model
year (MY).
a. Example, ACxxxx3xxx is a 2003 MY King.
Schedule & Tips
It is important that you adhere to this maintenance schedule so as to promote the
longevity of your Cobra Motorcycle.
• Between each ride
o Check the air filter (clean and re-oil as necessary).
o Insure the smooth operation of the throttle cable (throttle soundly
‘clacks’ shut).
o Check for frayed strands of the throttle cable inside the throttle housing
and replace if necessary.
o Check for adequate tire pressures and adjust if necessary.
o Check all nuts and bolts for proper torque and re-torque if necessary.
o Spray all moving parts with WD40 or other light oil.
o Check drive chain for
§ Proper tension and adjust if necessary.
§ Adequate lubrication and lubricate if necessary.
o Insure that the ignition stator and rotor are clean and dry.
o Check the frame for cracks in the metal or cracks in the paint that
might indicate that the metal has been stressed beyond it’s safe limits.
Replace or get properly rewelded as necessary.
o Inspect the rear sprocket damper plate for bending or warping.
Straighten or replace if more than 1/16” (1.6 mm) from flat.
• Every 2 hours of operation
o Replace the transmission oil.
• Every 10 hours of operation
o Replace the fork oil.
o Have the shock oil replaced by a Certified Cobra Mechanic.