Front forks
Tools recommended for front fork service:
• Flat head screwdriver
• Hammer
• Snap ring pliers
• Seal drivers
• 13mm wrench
• 1 1/8” wrench or socket
• 5 wt fork oil
Figure 40
1. Slide swiper (#6) onto lower fork leg.
2. Slide snap ring (#5) onto lower fork leg.
3. CAREFULLY slide seal (#4) onto lower fork leg with spring facing away from
snap ring.
4. Slide bronze bushing (#3) onto lower fork leg.
5. Install Teflon bushing into groove on lower fork leg.
Figure 41
6. Slide the bronze bushing over the Teflon bushing about 1/4" to hold the
Teflon in the groove.
7. Insert the lower leg assembly into the upper fork tube about 5-6".
8. Use a seal driver to drive the seal into the upper tube.
9. Install the snap ring. Make sure it is properly seated in the groove.
10. Snap the swiper into the groove in the upper tube.
11. Fill with 4.0 oz (118 ml) 5 wt fork oil (should measure 130 mm (5.1”) from top
of tube with spring removed.
12. Install the fork spring