4. Remove the cylinder.
Muratic acid can be dangerous. Follow the manufacturers instructions closely.
5. Remove the piston clip with a scribe.
6. Remove the piston pin with a piston pin remover.
Inspect the piston for abrasions and deposits on the top and sides and clean or
replace as necessary.
E4: Splitting the Cases
1. Remove the fasteners holding the two halves of the crankcase together.
2. Separate the cases with a proper case splitting tool.
Inspect the cylinder bore for abrasions, deposits, and missing coating.
1. If abrasions: scrapes, scratches, pitting, etc… are found, replace the
2. If deposits are all are found
a. Clean with muratic acid.
b. Once the deposits are removed, inspect for abrasions and missing
surface coating.
i. If there are abrasions or missing coating, replace.
ii. If all looks well, the cylinder may be saved.
Inspect the cylinder head for deposits and abrasions.
1. If there are deposits they should be removed
a. Black oily deposits (indicating a rich mixture or improper oil
type/quantity) can be removed with solvent
b. Crusty deposits (indicating dirt ingestion) can be removed with
solvent and may require some scraping.
2. Abrasions
a. Pitting or erosion indicates detonation and may require cylinder
head replacement, also
i. Retard the ignition timing
ii. Use a higher octane fuel
b. Missing chunks or indentations indicate broken hardware or
ingested items - replace the cylinder head.