
Your Cobra is equipped with an adjustable carburetor. Some fine-tuning may be
needed according to weather condition and altitude. Proper jetting is very
important for engine performance and engine life. Serious damage to the engine
can occur if not properly adjusted.
On the left side of the carburetor, there are two adjustment screws. The larger
screw with the knurled head is the idle adjustment screw. To raise the idle, turn
the screw in clockwise (in 1/4 turn increments) and rev the engine after each
adjustment. To lower the idle, turn the screw counter-clockwise.
Indications that the engine is running too rich (too much fuel for the air) are:
Engine not revving out or blubbering at high RPMs.
Engine will not ‘clean out’
Wet or black spark plug
NOTE: Before changing jetting be sure that the air filter is properly cleaned and
has the usual amount of air filter oil. An overly dirty air filter can cause the engine
to run rich.
If the engine is running rich on the top end it should be leaned out. Leaning it out
can be done by:
1. Changing the main jet to a smaller number.
2. Raising the needle clip (this lowers the jet needle) one notch at a time on the
Indications that the engine is running too lean are:
Engine cutting out on top end.
Engine overheating and ultimately seizure.
White spark plug
It is much safer to operate the engine slightly rich as opposed to slightly lean.
This is because an overly rich engine will just run poorly while an overly lean
engine will seize, potentially causing an expensive top end rebuild and a DNF.
To richen the carburetor:
1. Change the main jet one number at a time (larger).
2. Lower the needle clip (raising the jet needle) one notch at a time until the
engine starts to blubber on the top end, then move the clip back up one notch
or until you get the blubber out.
The smaller brass screw that is towards the front of the engine is a fuel mixture
screw. This screw will also richen and lean your engine more on the bottom and
mid-range. In warmer conditions, turn the screw in. In colder conditions, turn the
screw out. Be sure to keep the carburetor very clean and make sure you don't