Break-In Procedure
Your Cobra KING is a close-tolerance high performance machine and break-in
time is very important for maximum life and performance. The KING can be
ridden hard after the first ½ hour break-in time but it is recommended that no
adjustments are made to the carburetion or suspension until the full 8 hours of
bike break-in has elapsed. Also, after the engine, transmission, and drive train
have been broken-in for the full 8 hours, the bike will be faster!
Use a fuel / oil mixture of 32:1 for the full 8 hour break-in period. Be sure to use
93 octane pump gas, or Sunoco MO2
, with Cobra’s specially formulated Cobra
Venom 2-cycle Race Oil. (Part # MCMUOL02)
Failure to use proper fuel, oil, or fuel/oil mixture may result in premature engine
wear or damage to the machine.
Adhering to the following break-in schedule will result in long lasting high
performance machine.
• First ½ hour of operation
o Follow the starting procedure listed in this manual.
o Avoid prolonged operation at Wide Open Throttle.
• After 1 hour of operation
o Check for loose bolts and nuts on the bike and retighten as
necessary (proper toque values are listed under Specifications).
o Clean the carburetor bowl.
o Change the transmission / clutch lubricant.
• After 8 hours of operation
o Change the fork oil.
o Have a Certified Cobra Mechanic change the shock oil.
• Your bike is now ready for the highest level of competition!
During break-in the bike will likely loose some engine coolant through the radiator
overflow hose. Loosing up to 4 oz (120 ml, ½ cup) is normal. Proper coolant level
will cover the top of the radiator cores. Removing the radiator cap and looking
inside is the only way to check the coolant level.
Never open the radiator cap of a machine that has a hot or warm engine or one
that has recently been ridden. Burning and scalding could occur.
It is important that the radiator cap is installed correctly and completely otherwise
engine damage could occur.