exposed to pack to return to room
temperature temperature.
Battery pack is at Replace battery pack.
end of its life.
Battery charge does not Battery is being Keep computer at a cooler
last as long as exposed to high temperature and recharge
expected. temperatures. * the battery.
Battery is being Put computer in a warmer
exposed to cold place and recharge the
temperatures. * battery.
Battery has Recharge the battery.
Power conservation Set a power conservation
is disabled or set level.
to "None."
An external device Turn off or remove the
or PCMCIA card is external device when not
draining the using it.
Defective battery. Condition the battery.
Install another battery. If
this fixes the problem,
original battery is
Replace the battery.
Battery pack is warm to Normal warming has No action is required.
the touch after occurred due to
charging. charging.
Battery indicator does Battery pack is Allow battery pack to
not come on and the trickle charging. continue charging for 30
battery gauge does not minutes and recheck the
reflect a change in battery gauge.
battery charge level.
Battery contacts Remove the keyboard
not making good assembly and examine the
contact with battery contacts. Ensure
battery. that the battery is
making good contact with
all 4 contacts. If not,
gently bend the contacts on
the system board out to
make good contact.
Defective system Replace the system board.