light up at all and
(POST) does not
complete when the
unit is powered
up. ****
** When using an external monitor and simultaneously displaying an image
on the internal display, the image on the external monitor may not
fill the screen.
**** Blocks usually appear in an even fraction of the display (1/2, 1/4/,
1/6, 1/8, etc.)
Problem Probable Cause Solution(s)
Backlight Power conservation Verify that you are not in
(brightness) cannot mode settings are a power conservation mode
be adjusted with set high, causing that limits the output of
brightness control a dim display. the backlight.
pop-up Fn + F9
keys. *
Improper display 1. Reseat the display
cable connections. cable to the inverter
2. Reseat the display cable
to the system board.
Defective inverter Replace the inverter board.
board. ***
Defective display Replace the display cable.
cable. ***
Defective system Replace the system board.
board. ***
Contrast cannot be Improper display Reseat the display cable
adjusted with the cable connections. to the following one at a
Fn + F8 keys. * time until the problem is
a. Inverter board.
b. System board.
c. Display panel.
Defective inverter Replace the inverter board.
board. ***
Defective display Replace the display cable.
cable. ***
Defective display Replace the display panel.
panel. ***
The display panel has Improper display Reseat the display cable to
a continuous pattern cable connections. the following until the
across it (e.g., a problem is solved: