* The recommended storage temperature range for the battery pack is -4oF to
86oF (-20oC to 30oC ). The recommended operating temperature range is
50oF to 104oF (10oC to 40oC).
Table 5-16. Solving Battery Gauge Problems
Problem Probable Cause Solution(s)
Battery gauge appears Battery pack has been Charge the battery pack *
inaccurate. partially recharged (Appendix B).
too many times or NOTE: The battery gauge is
computer has been in not linear. It will not
Standby for an necessarily stay on each
extended period of indicator the same amount
time. of time. The battery gauge
is based on voltage output
from the battery.
* The battery pack needs to be conditioned every 60 days to maintain
battery gauge accuracy.
Table 5-17. Solving Display Problems
Problem Probable Cause Solution(s)
Characters are dim. From MS-DOS: Power From MS-DOS: Change Power
Management settings Management settings to
is set on high or medium.
From Windows: Adjust
From Windows: Power brightness setting in
Management brightness Power Management.
setting is incorrect.
Brightness or Press the Fn + F9 keys.
contrast (if Use arrows keys to adjust
applicable) is not the brightness. Press the
set properly. Fn + F8 keys. Use arrows
keys to adjust the
NOTE: Contrast adjustment
is not applicable on
models with Color TFT
Computer screen is in Tilt display or move
direct light. computer.
Screen is blank. Quick Blank is Enter password to exit
initiated. QuickBlank.
Another screen Press any key and/or enter
blanking utility may password.
be installed.
Screen save was Press any key or click the
initiated by Power mouse.
Management due to