Trackball or mouse Mouse device driver Enter MOUSE at the system
does not work even is not activated prompt to activate the
though the device (loaded into memory) mouse device driver.
driver is in the in MS-DOS.
PATH command of the Add a line in the
automatically activate
the mouse device
driver each time the
computer is turned
on or restarted.
Defective trackball Replace the trackball
assembly. assembly.
Defective system Replace the system board.
Mouse device driver From Windows, run Windows
is not correctly Setup and select the proper
installed in Windows. mouse driver.
Cursor skips or moves The ball, rollers, or Clean the ball in the
abnormally when using tracking post in the trackball or mouse.
a trackball or mouse. trackball or mouse
need cleaning.
Defective trackball Replace trackball assembly.
Table 5-23. Solving Memory Problems
Problem Probable Cause Solution(s)
Memory count during Optional memory 1. Ensure that the
Power-On Self-Test board is installed appropriate memory board
(POST) is incorrect. incorrectly, is has been installed
incompatible with the correctly.
computer, or is con- 2. Run Computer Setup
figured incorrectly.
"Out of Memory" Too many TSRs are Delete any TSR applications
message is displayed installed. that you do not need.
on the screen or ---------------------------------------------------
insufficient memory Memory configuration Reconfigure the memory
error occurs during is not set up using MS-DOS MEMMAKER.
operation. correctly.
System ran out of 1. Check the application
memory for the documentation for memory
application. requirements.
2.Increase memory.
Table 5-24. Solving PC Card Problems
Problem Probable Cause Solution(s)