determine which COM port
is assigned to the card.
The card conflicts From MS-DOS: Run PCCARD to
with the system board select a different COM
serial device. port for the PC Card.
From Windows: Select
Computer Setup from the
Compaq Control Center, then
select the PC Card option
and choose a different COM
port for the PC Card.
The card is not PC Contact Compaq Reseller
Card compliant. Support for a list of PC
Cards tested successfully
in Compaq PC Card
Modem or network PC Network driver is not Select Computer Setup
Card does not work. set up properly. from the Compaq Control
Center and select the
PC Card option; then
view the Online help
for detailed
instructions on setting
up network PC Cards.
Storage PC Card does SRAM and flash Select Computer Setup from
not work. memory cards require the Compaq Control Center;
the memory card then select the PC Card
driver to be loaded. option to enable the
memory card driver.
Flash memory cards Select Computer Setup from
require the Microsoft the Compaq Control Center;
FlashFile System to then select the PC Card
be loaded. option to enable the flash
file system.
Hard disks on flash Select Computer Setup from
mass storage cards the Compaq Control Center;
require the PC Card then select the PC Card
ATA driver to be option to enable the PC
loaded. Card ATA driver.
Problem Probable Cause Solution(s)
You are trying to From MS-DOS: Run CARDINFO
access the card using to determine which drive
the wrong drive letter is assigned to the
letter. card.
From Windows: Select
Computer Setup from the
Compaq Control Center
to see which drive
letter is assigned to
the card.