Now you need to:
• Set the CCMLB linecard jumpers to support fiber optics
• Connect the fiber optics cable to a CCMFB fiber optics converter module
• Install the CCMFB fiber optics converter module for each fiber optics link
______________________ Note _______________________
Remember, if you have more than four fiber optics links, you need
two or more hubs. The CCMHB-BA hub has no linecards.
To set the CCMLB jumpers and install CCMFB optics converter modules
in an MC2 hub, follow these steps:
1. Remove the appropriate CCMLB linecard and set the linecard jumpers
to Fiber On (jumper pins 1 to 2) to support fiber optics. See Table 5–3.
2. Remove the CCMLB endplate and install the alternate endplate (with
the slot at the bottom).
3. Remove the hub bulkhead blanking plate from the appropriate hub slot.
Ensure that you observe the slot restrictions for the optical converter
modules. Also keep in mind that all linecards for one Memory Channel
interconnect must be in the same hub (see Section 5.4.)
4. Thread the BN34R fiber optics cable through the hub bulkhead slot.
The other end should be attached to a CCMFB optics converter in the
member system.
5. Thread the BN34R fiber optics cable through the slot near the bottom of
the endplate. Remove the cable tip protectors and insert the connectors
into the transceiver until they click into place. Secure the cable to the
module using the tie-wrap.
6. Install the CCMFB fiber optics converter in slot opto only, 0/opto,
1/opto, 2/opto,or3/opto as appropriate.
7. Install a BN39B-01 1-meter link cable between the CCMFB optical
converter and the CCMLB linecard.
8. Repeat steps 1 through 7 for each CCMFB module to be installed.
5.6 Running Memory Channel Diagnostics
After the Memory Channel adapters, hubs, link cables, fiber optics
converters, and fiber optics cables have been installed, power up the systems
and run the Memory Channel diagnostics.
Setting Up the Memory Channel Cluster Interconnect 5–11