
or wwidmgr -show reachability). You must initialize the system to
use any of the device names in the bootdef_dev variable as follows:
P00>>> set bootdef_dev \
POO>>> init
______________________ Note _______________________
The console system reference manual (SRM) software guarantees
that you can set the bootdef_dev console environment variable
to a minimum of four device names. You may be able to set it to
five, but four is all that is guaranteed.
6.6.7 Add Additional Systems to the Cluster
To add additional systems to the cluster, follow this procedure:
1. On the system where you installed the Tru64 UNIX operating system,
boot the system into the cluster (single-member cluster), and referring
to the TruCluster Server Software Installation procedures, use
clu_add_member to add subsequent cluster members.
Before you boot the system being added to the cluster, on the newly
added cluster member:
a. Use the wwidmgr utility with the -quickset option to set the
device unit number for the member system boot disk as shown in
Example 67. For member system 2 in the example configuration,
it is the storage unit with UDID 132 (see Table 62):
Example 67: Setting Device Unit Number for Additional Member System
P00>>> wwidmgr -quickset -udid 132
Disk assignment and reachability after next initialization:
via adapter: via fc nport: connected:
dga132.1001.0.1.0 pga0. 5000-1fe1-0000-0d64 No
dga132.1002.0.1.0 pga0. 5000-1fe1-0000-0d62 Yes
dga132.1003.0.1.0 pga0. 5000-1fe1-0000-0d63 No
dga132.1004.0.1.0 pga0. 5000-1fe1-0000-0d61 Yes
dgb132.1001.0.2.0 pgb0. 5000-1fe1-0000-0d64 No
dgb132.1002.0.2.0 pgb0. 5000-1fe1-0000-0d62 Yes
dgb132.1003.0.2.0 pgb0. 5000-1fe1-0000-0d63 No
dgb132.1004.0.2.0 pgb0. 5000-1fe1-0000-0d61 Yes
P00>>> init
Using Fibre Channel Storage 655