
____________________ Note _____________________
You can change the connection name with the HSG80 CLI
RENAME command. For example, assume that member
system pepicelli has two KGPSA Fibre Channel host
bus adapters, and that the worldwide name for KGPSA
pga is 1000-0000-C920-DA01. Example 61 shows that
the connections for pga are !NEWCON49, !NEWCON50,
!NEWCON54, and !NEWCON56. You could change the name of
!NEWCON49 to indicate that it is the first connection (of four)
to pga on member system pepicelli as follows:
HSG80> rename !NEWCON49 pep_pga_1
13. For each connection to your cluster, verify that the operating system is
TRU64_UNIX and the unit offset is 0. Search the show connection
display for the worldwide name of each of the KGPSA adapters in
your cluster member systems. If the operating system and offsets are
incorrect, set them, then restart both controllers as follows:
HSG80> set !NEWCON49 unit_offset = 0 1
HSG80> set !NEWCON49 operating_system = TRU64_UNIX 2
HSG80> restart other 3
HSG80> restart this 3
HSG80> show connection
1 Set the relative offset for LUN numbering to 0. You can set the
unit_offset to nonzero values, but use caution. Make sure you
understand the impact.
2 Specify that the host environment connected to the Fibre
Channel port is TRU64_UNIX. You must change each connection
to TRU64_UNIX. This is very important. Failure to set this to
TRU64_UNIX will prevent your system from booting correctly,
recovering from run-time errors, or from booting at all. The default
operating system is Windows NT, and NT uses a different SCSI
dialect to talk to the HSG80 controller.
3 Restart both controllers to cause all changes to take effect.
4 Enter the show connection command once more and verify that
all connections have the offsets set to 0 and the operating system is
set to TRU64_UNIX.
632 Using Fibre Channel Storage