
The boot sequence provides firmware update overview information. Use
Return to scroll the text, or press Ctrl/C to skip the text.
After the overview information has been displayed, the name of the default
boot file is provided. If it is the correct boot file, press Return at the
Bootfile: prompt. Otherwise, enter the name of the file you wish to boot
The firmware images are copied from the CD-ROM and the LFU help
message shown in the following example is displayed:
*****Loadable Firmware Update Utility*****
Function Description
Display Displays the systems configuration table.
Exit Done exit LFU (reset).
List Lists the device, revision, firmware name and
update revision
Readme Lists important release information.
Update Replaces current firmware with loadable data
Verify Compares loadable and hardware images.
? or Help Scrolls this function table.
The list command indicates, in the device column, which devices it can
Use the update command to update all firmware, or you can designate a
specific device to update; for example, KZPSA-BB pkb0:
UPD> update pkb0
After updating the firmware and verifying this with the verify command,
reset the system by cycling the power.
Configuring Systems for External Termination or Radial Connections
to Non-UltraSCSI Devices 1019