
N1 50001fe100000d64
N2 50001fe100000d62
N3 50001fe100000d63
N4 50001fe100000d61
P00>>> init
h. Set the bootdef_dev console environment variable to the member
system boot device. Use the paths shown in the reachability display
of the wwidmgr -quickset command for the appropriate device
(see Section 6.6.6).
i. Repeat steps a through h on each system accessing devices on the
6.8 Using the emx Manager to Display Fibre Channel
Adapter Information
The emx manager (emxmgr) utility was written for the TruCluster Software
Product Version 1.6 products to be used to modify and maintain emx driver
worldwide name to target ID mappings. It is included with Tru64 UNIX
Version 5.1 and, although not needed to maintain worldwide name to target
ID mappings, it may be used with TruCluster Server Version 5.1 to:
Display the presence of KGPSA Fibre Channel adapters
Display the target ID mappings for a Fibre Channel adapter
Display the current Fibre Channel topology for a Fibre Channel adapter
See emxmgr
(8) for more information on the emxmgr utility.
6.8.1 Using the emxmgr Utility to Display Fibre Channel Adapter
The primary use of the emxmgr utility for TruCluster Server is to display
Fibre Channel information.
Use the emxmgr -d command to display the presence of KGPSA Fibre
Channel adapters on the system. For example:
# /usr/sbin/emxmgr -d
emx0 emx1 emx2
Use the emxmgr -m command to display an adapters target ID mapping.
For example:
# /usr/sbin/emxmgr -m emx0
emx0 SCSI target id assignments:
SCSI tgt id 0 : portname 5000-1FE1-0000-0CB2
662 Using Fibre Channel Storage