A perfect dish for Sunday brunch.
Makes 12 servings
Approximate preparation time: 20 minutes plus 40 minutes
for baking
Prepare Páte Brisée according to recipe on page 16.
While dough is chilling, preheat oven to 350°F.
Roll out one dough disc* to ¹
-inch thick to fit a 9-inch tart pan. Fit
the dough into the pan. Chill in refrigerator for about 30 minutes.
While dough is chilling, preheat oven to 350°F.
Using a fork, prick the dough evenly all over but make sure not
to go entirely through the dough. Line the shell with parchment
and weigh down with dried beans or rice. Bake in oven for 25
minutes, or until the dough underneath the parchment is no
longer wet. Remove the beans/rice and parchment and continue
baking until the shell is golden brown, about an additional 10
minutes. Remove and reserve.
While the quiche shell is baking, insert the small metal chopping blade
into the small work bowl. Process the garlic until finely chopped. Add
the leeks and pulse to chop, about 6 pulses.
Place a skillet over medium heat and add the sausage; cook for
about 3 minutes. Add the butter, garlic, leeks and a pinch of
pepper. Stir over medium-low heat until vegetables are soft,
about 2 to 3 minutes.
Place the reversible shredding disc on the medium shredding
side into the medium work bowl and shred the fontina. Remove
and reserve. Replace the shredding disc with the large metal
chopping blade and add the milk, cream, eggs, yolks, salt,
remaining pepper and half of the shredded fontina. Process to
combine all ingredients, about 10 seconds.
To assemble the quiche: spread the sausage and leeks evenly
along the bottom of the baked tart shell. Pour the egg mixture
over the vegetables and scatter the remaining fontina on the top.
Bake for 35 to 40 minutes until quiche is lightly browned and
Remove from oven and let sit for about 5 to 10 minutes before
*The second dough disc may either be used within 3 days if
refrigerated or it may be wrapped well and stored in the freezer
until needed.
Nutritional information per serving (including pastry):
Calories 181 (83% from fat)
carb. 3g
pro. 4g
fat 17g
sat. fat 10g
chol. 116mg
sod. 301mg
calc. 62mg
fiber 0g
1 re c i pe pâte bri s ée (paGe 16)
fil li nG :
1 Garlic clove
1 sma l l l ee k , w h i te and liGht
G r e e n parts on ly , cut into
½-inch p i ec e s
6 ounces p r e co o k e d c hic ken
a p p le sausaGe, cut into
s ma l l dice
1 tablesp oon unsal ted
b u t t er
¼ teaspoon f r es h l y Ground
bla ck p e p pe r, divided
2 ounc es font ina c h e es e
¾ cup w ho l e m il k
¾ cup heavy cream
2 larGe eGGs
2 larGe eGG y olk s
¼ teas poo n kos her salt