Healthy, nutritious and delicious.
1 c up walnut halves, s hel ls
r e m o v ed
2 pounds c arrots , p e e le d ,
cut i nto 2-inch p i ec e s
1 ounce f r e sh GinGer root,
p e e le d , cut into ½-inch
p i e ce s
1½ c ups plain nonfat y o Gu r t,
½ cup f r e s h mi n t l e a ve s
2 tabl esp oons hon ey
1 cup G old en raisins
Makes sixteen ½-cup servings
Approximate preparation time: 20 minutes, plus 8
hours (or overnight) to drain yogurt
Preheat oven to 350°F. Put the walnut halves in a baking
pan and toast until golden brown and fragrant, about 8
to 10 minutes. Allow to cool slightly. Insert the small
metal chopping blade into the small work bowl of the
Food Processor and pulse to coarsely chop
nuts, about 5 to 6 times. Remove work bowl and reserve.
Insert the reversible shredding disc assembly on the
medium side into the medium work bowl. Place the
carrots in the large feed tube horizontally and shred
using medium pressure. Remove work bowl and reserve.
Insert the large metal chopping blade into the large
work bowl. Process the ginger root until finely chopped,
about 5 to 10 seconds. Scrape bowl. Add the yogurt,
mint and honey. Process to combine, about 10 seconds.
Scrape bowl and process an additional 5 seconds. Add
to shredded carrots and combine. Add raisins and
gently mix. Serve chilled on a bed of lettuce.
*To drain yogurt: Line a sieve with a double layer of
cheesecloth or a paper coffee filter and place over a
bowl. Put yogurt in sieve; cover and refrigerate at least
8 hours or overnight. You may need to drain water from
bowl occasionally. Refrigerate thickened yogurt in an
airtight container for up to one week.
Nutritional information per serving:
Calories 137 (33% from fat)
carb. 19g
pro. 4g
fat 5g
sat. fat 0g
chol. 0mg
sod. 39mg
calc. 65mg
fiber 3g