24 ounces fr o z e n
b l u eb e r r ie s
1 cup s i m p l e sy r up *
4 larGe mi nt le a v e s
2 tablesp oons f re s h
l em o n juice
Makes 4 cups
Approximate preparation time: 5 minutes
Insert the large chopping blade into the large bowl of
the Cuisinart
Food Processor. Put the blueberries,
simple syrup, mint and lemon juice into the work bowl.
Pulse 10 times using long pulses. Scrape the work bowl
and then process for about 1 minute until smooth.
Serve immediately or place in a container to be stored
in the freezer. Cover sorbet with plastic directly if
Nutritional information per ½ cup serving:
Calories 94 (5% from fat)
carb. 24g
pro. 0g
fat 1g
sat. fat 0g
chol. 0mg
sod. 0mg
calc. 1mg
fiber 2g
*Note: Simple syrup is equal amounts sugar and water
brought to a boil in order to dissolve the sugar. One cup
each water and sugar will yield 1½ cups simple syrup.
Simple syrup can last in a refrigerator for at least one
month in clean, sealed container.
This refreshing sorbet is perfect in the height of summer.
2 b ananas, f r o z e n, cut into
1 t o 2-inch p i e c es
½ tabl esp oon h one y
¼ teaspoon pur e v an il la
ex tra ct
1 tablesp oon c oco nut m i l k
pinch salt
Makes about four 3-ounce servings
Approximate preparation time: 5 minutes
Insert the large chopping blade into the large bowl of
the Cuisinart
Food Processor. Put the bananas, honey,
vanilla and coconut milk into the work bowl. Pulse 10
times using long pulses. Scrape the work bowl and then
process for about 1 to 2 minutes until smooth.
For best results, serve immediately or place in a
container to be stored in the freezer. Cover ice cream
with plastic directly if freezing.
Nutritional information per serving:
Calories 68 (1% from fat)
carb. 16g
pro. 1g
fat 1g
sat. fat 1g
chol. 0mg
sod. 1mg
calc. 4mg
fiber 2g
TIP: Peel and cut your overripe bananas before you
freeze them. Wrap each banana separately in plastic.
Frozen bananas give this guilt free dessert a super creamy consistency.