nonstick co okin G spra y
4 Garlic clove s
1 larGe red onio n, cut int o
1-inch p i ec e s
2 tablesp oons nonfat dry
m il k
1 teaspoo n f r es h italian
p a r sl e y
1 teas poo n dried basil
1 teas poo n c e le r y s ee d
2 teas poo ns ko she r salt
½ teaspoon f r es h l y Ground
bla ck p e p pe r
2¼ poun ds p ork s hou lde r ,
cut i nto 1-inch p i ec e s
3 tabl esp oons oli ve o il
ounc es (about 1¼ cup)
br eadcrumbs , (se e r e c i pe
paGe 5)
larGe eGGs
6 med i u m m u l t i -col ored
p e p pe r s , co red w i t h s e ed s
r e m o v ed
Makes 6 peppers
Approximate preparation time: 25 minutes plus 45
minutes for baking
Preheat oven to 325°F. Lightly coat a 13 x 9-inch pan
with nonstick cooking spray.
Insert the large metal chopping blade into the medium
work bowl of the Cuisinart
Food Processor. With the
machine running, drop the garlic through the feed tube
to chop. Add the onion, dry milk, parsley, basil, celery
seed, salt and pepper and pulse to chop, about 8 to 10
pulses. Remove work bowl and reserve.
Insert the large metal chopping blade into the large
work bowl. Add the pork and pulse 10 times, then run
machine to finely chop, about 35 seconds.
Place olive oil in large skillet over medium heat. Once
oil is heated, add the onion mixture to the skillet, cook
until softened, about 5 minutes. Stir in the pork and
cook until cooked through, about 10 to 15 minutes;
reserve. Stir the breadcrumbs into meat mixture with
eggs; combine well. Fill the peppers equally and place
in prepared pan. Bake peppers in oven until soft and
lightly browned, about 40 to 45 minutes.
Nutritional information per serving:
Calories 324 (42% from fat)
carb. 20g
pro. 27g
fat 15g
sat. fat 4g
chol. 120mg
sod. 631mg
calc. 81mg
fiber 3g
These hearty peppers can also be served as a main course, and are
delicious with our Simple Tomato Sauce (page10).