Makes two 1 pound loaves
Approximate preparation time: 10 to 15 minutes,
plus 3 hours rising and resting, 30 minutes baking, and
1 hour or longer cooling
Dissolve the yeast and 1 teaspoon of sugar in warm
water in a large liquid measuring cup. Let sit until foamy,
about 5 minutes. Add beaten eggs; stir gently
to combine.
Insert the dough blade into the large work bowl of the
Food Processor. Add the flour, remaining
sugar, salt and butter and process on the dough speed
until combined, about 10 to 15 seconds. With the
machine running on dough speed, add liquid through
the feed tube as fast as the flour absorbs it. Once the
dough cleans the sides of the work bowl and forms a
ball, process for 45 seconds to knead dough. Dough
should be smooth and elastic.
Place dough in a large greased glass bowl, turning
dough to grease the entire surface, cover bowl with
plastic wrap and let rise until the dough has doubled
in size, about 2 hours. For a lighter loaf, punch dough
down and repeat the rise. In warmer weather, allow
dough to rise overnight in refrigerator.
Once risen, punch dough down and divide into two
equal parts. Divide each half into three equal parts. Roll
each piece into a long rope. Braid the strands loosely
into two separate loaves. Place on two separate baking
sheets lined with parchment paper. Cover with plastic
until doubled in size, about 1 hour.
Preheat oven to 400°F.
Brush loaves with egg wash and sprinkle with sesame
seeds. Bake until golden brown, about 25 to 30
minutes. Cool on a wire rack.
TIP: To make one 1-pound loaf, halve all ingredients
and follow the same instructions.
Nutritional information per serving (1 ounce):
Calories 107 (26% from fat)
carb. 18g
pro. 3g
fat 3g
sat. fat 2g
chol. 27mg
sod. 140mg
calc. 3mg
fiber 1g
2 teaspoo ns active dry yeast
½ c up Granulated suGar,
¾ c up w a r m w a t er,
(105 t o 110°f)
2 larGe eGGs, li Gh tly b e a t e n
5 c ups unblea ched,
all -pu r p o se flou r
2 teas poo ns ko she r salt
½ c up unsalted b u t t er, c ut
into 1-inch pi e c e s
1 larGe eGG f or eGG w a sh
1 teas poo n s e s a m e se e d s
Not only a great bread for a special dinner,
but also makes the best French toast.