PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 961
Configuring OSPF
Syntax: [no] timers lsa-group-pacing <secs>
The <secs> parameter specifies the number of seconds and can be from 10 through 1800 (30
minutes). The default is 240 seconds (4 minutes).
To restore the pacing interval to its default value, enter the following command.
PowerConnect(config-ospf-router)#no timers lsa-group-pacing
Modifying OSPF traps generated
OSPF traps as defined by RFC 1850 are supported on Dell routers. OSPF trap generation is
enabled on the router, by default.
When using the CLI, you can disable all or specific OSPF trap generation by entering the following
CLI command.
PowerConnect(config-ospf-router)#no snmp-server trap ospf
Syntax: [no] snmp-server trap ospf
To later re-enable the trap feature, enter snmp-server trap ospf.
To disable a specific OSPF trap, enter the command as no snmp-server trap ospf <ospf-trap>.
These commands are at the OSPF router level of the CLI.
Here is a summary of OSPF traps supported on Dell routers, their corresponding CLI commands,
and their associated MIB objects from RFC 1850:
• interface-state-change-trap – [MIB object: OspfIfstateChange]
• virtual-interface-state-change-trap – [MIB object: OspfVirtIfStateChange
• neighbor-state-change-trap – [MIB object:ospfNbrStateChange]
• virtual-neighbor-state-change-trap – [MIB object: ospfVirtNbrStateChange]
• interface-config-error-trap – [MIB object: ospfIfConfigError]
• virtual-interface-config-error-trap – [MIB object: ospfVirtIfConfigError]
• interface-authentication-failure-trap – [MIB object: ospfIfAuthFailure]
• virtual-interface-authentication-failure-trap – [MIB object: ospfVirtIfAuthFailure]
• interface-receive-bad-packet-trap – [MIB object: ospfIfrxBadPacket]
• virtual-interface-receive-bad-packet-trap – [MIB object: ospfVirtIfRxBadPacket]
• interface-retransmit-packet-trap – [MIB object: ospfTxRetransmit]
• virtual-interface-retransmit-packet-trap – [MIB object: ospfVirtIfTxRetransmit]
• originate-lsa-trap – [MIB object: ospfOriginateLsa]
• originate-maxage-lsa-trap – [MIB object: ospfMaxAgeLsa]
• link-state-database-overflow-trap – [MIB object: ospfLsdbOverflow]
• link-state-database-approaching-overflow-trap – [MIB object: ospfLsdbApproachingOverflow
To stop an OSPF trap from being collected, use the CLI command: no trap <ospf-trap>, at the OSPF
router level of the CLI. To disable reporting of the neighbor-state-change-trap, enter the following
PowerConnect(config-ospf-router)#no trap neighbor-state-change-trap