PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 945
Configuring OSPF
MD5 Authentication Wait Time: This parameter determines when a newly configured MD5
authentication key is valid. This parameter provides a graceful transition from one MD5 key to
another without disturbing the network. All new packets transmitted after the key activation wait
time interval use the newly configured MD5 Key. OSPF packets that contain the old MD5 key are
accepted for up to five minutes after the new MD5 key is in operation.
The range for the key activation wait time is from 0 through 14400 seconds. The default value is
300 seconds.
Hello Interval: The length of time between the transmission of hello packets. The range is 1
through 65535 seconds. The default is 10 seconds.
Retransmit Interval: The interval between the re-transmission of link state advertisements to
router adjacencies for this interface. The range is 0 through 3600 seconds. The default is 5
Transmit Delay: The period of time it takes to transmit Link State Update packets on the interface.
The range is 0 through 3600 seconds. The default is 1 second.
Dead Interval: The number of seconds that a neighbor router waits for a hello packet from the
current router before declaring the router down. The range is 1 through 65535 seconds. The
default is 40 seconds.
Encrypted display of the authentication string or MD5 authentication key
The optional 0 | 1 parameter with the authentication-key and md5-authentication key-id
parameters affects encryption.
For added security, PowerConnect devices encrypt display of the password or authentication
string. Encryption is enabled by default. The software also provides an optional parameter to
disable encryption of a password or authentication string, on an individual OSPF area or OSPF
interface basis.
When encryption of the passwords or authentication strings is enabled, they are encrypted in the
CLI regardless of the access level you are using. In the Web Management Interface, the passwords
or authentication strings are encrypted at the read-only access level but are visible at the
read-write access level.
The encryption option can be omitted (the default) or can be one of the following:
• 0 – Disables encryption for the password or authentication string you specify with the
command. The password or string is shown as clear text in the running-config and the
startup-config file. Use this option of you do not want display of the password or string to be
• 1 – Assumes that the password or authentication string you enter is the encrypted form, and
decrypts the value before using it.
If you want the software to assume that the value you enter is the clear-text form, and to encrypt
display of that form, do not enter 0 or 1. Instead, omit the encryption option and allow the software
to use the default behavior.
If you specify encryption option 1, the software assumes that you are entering the encrypted form
of the password or authentication string. In this case, the software decrypts the password or string
you enter before using the value for authentication. If you accidentally enter option 1 followed by
the clear-text version of the password or string, authentication will fail because the value used by
the software will not match the value you intended to use.