PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1023
Optional configuration tasks
• Configure the confederation ID. The confederation ID is the AS number by which BGP switches
outside the confederation know the confederation. Thus, a BGP switch outside the
confederation is not aware and does not care that your BGP switches are in multiple
sub-autonomous systems. BGP switches use the confederation ID when communicating with
switches outside the confederation. The confederation ID must be different from the sub-AS
• Configure the list of the sub-AS numbers that are members of the confederation. All the
switches within the same sub-AS use IBGP to exchange switch information. Switches in
different sub-autonomous systems within the confederation use EBGP to exchange switch
To configure four Layer 3 Switches to be a member of confederation 10 (as shown in Figure 148),
consisting of two sub-autonomous systems (64512 and 64513), enter commands such as the
Commands for router A
PowerConnectA(config)#router bgp
PowerConnectA(config-bgp-router)#local-as 64512
PowerConnectA(config-bgp-router)#confederation identifier 10
PowerConnectA(config-bgp-router)#confederation peers 64512 64513
PowerConnectA(config-bgp-router)#write memory
Syntax: local-as <num>
The <num> parameter with the local-as command indicates the AS number for the BGP switches
within the sub-AS. You can specify a number from 1 through 65535. Dell recommends that you use
a number within the range of well-known private autonomous systems, 64512 through 65535.
Syntax: confederation identifier <num>
The <num> parameter with the confederation identifier command indicates the confederation
number. The confederation ID is the AS number by which BGP switches outside the confederation
know the confederation. Thus, a BGP switch outside the confederation is not aware and does not
care that your BGP switches are in multiple sub-autonomous systems. BGP switches use the
confederation ID when communicating with switches outside the confederation. The confederation
ID must be different from the sub-AS numbers. You can specify a number from 1 through 65535.
Syntax: confederation peers <num> [<num> …]
The <num> parameter with the confederation peers command indicates the sub-AS numbers for
the sub-autonomous systems in the confederation. You must specify all the sub-autonomous
systems contained in the confederation. All the switches within the same sub-AS use IBGP to
exchange switch information. Switches in different sub-autonomous systems within the
confederation use EBGP to exchange switch information. You can specify a number from 1 through
Commands for router B
PowerConnectB(config)#router bgp
PowerConnectB(config-bgp-router)#local-as 64512
PowerConnectB(config-bgp-router)#confederation identifier 10
PowerConnectB(config-bgp-router)#confederation peers 64512 64513
PowerConnectB(config-bgp-router)#write memory