PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1265
Configuring the MAC port security feature
Enabling the MAC port security feature
By default, the MAC port security feature is disabled on all interfaces. You can enable or disable the
feature on all interfaces at once, or on individual interfaces.
To enable the feature on all interfaces at once, enter the following commands.
PowerConnect(config)#port security
To disable the feature on all interfaces at once, enter the following commands.
PowerConnect(config)#port security
PowerConnect(config-port-security)#no enable
To enable the feature on a specific interface, enter the following commands.
PowerConnect(config)#interface ethernet 7/11
PowerConnect(config-if-e1000-7/11)#port security
Syntax: port security
Syntax: [no] enable
Setting the maximum number of secure MAC addresses
for an interface
When MAC port security is enabled, an interface can store one secure MAC address. You can
increase the number of MAC addresses that can be stored to a maximum of 64, plus the total
number of global resources available.
For example, to configure interface 7/11 to have a maximum of 10 secure MAC addresses, enter
the following commands.
PowerConnect(config)#interface ethernet 7/11
PowerConnect(config-if-e1000-7/11)#port security
PowerConnect(config-port-security-e1000-7/11)#maximum 10
Syntax: maximum <number-of-addresses>
The <number-of-addresses> parameter can be set to a number from 0 through 64 plus (the total
number of global resources available). The total number of global resources is 2048 or 4096,
depending on flash memory size. Setting the parameter to 0 prevents any addresses from being
learned. The default is 1.
Setting the port security age timer
By default, learned MAC addresses stay secure indefinitely. You can optionally configure the device
to age out secure MAC addresses after a specified amount of time.
To set the port security age timer to 10 minutes on all interfaces, enter the following commands.
PowerConnect(config)#port security
PowerConnect(config-port-security)#age 10
To set the port security age timer to 10 minutes on a specific interface, enter the following