PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 639
VLAN-based mirroring
1. Define a mirror port
To activate mirroring on a port, use the mirror command in the global configuration mode.
PowerConnect(config)#mirror e 0/1/14
Configuration Notes
• If there is no input mirror port configured, MAC-Filter Based Mirroring does not take effect. It
remains in the configuration, but is not activated.
• Port-Based Mirroring, VLAN Mirroring, and MAC-Filter-Based Mirroring can be enabled on a port
at the same time. In this case, the preference order is Port, VLAN, and MAC-Filter.
2. Create a MAC address filter with a mirroring clause
The keyword mirror is added to MAC address filter clauses to direct desired traffic to the mirror
port. In the following examples, the MACC address filter directs traffic to a mirror port.
PowerConnect(config)#mac filter 1 permit 0000.1111.2222.ffff.ffff.ffff
0000.2222.3333.ffff.ffff.fff mirror
In this example, any flow matching the SA (source address) 0000.1111.2222 and the DA
(destination address) 0000.2222.3333 will be mirrored. Other flows will not be mirrored.
3. Apply the MAC address filter to an interface
Apply the MAC address filter to an interface using the mac-filter-group command, as shown.
PowerConnect(config)#interface ethernet 0/1/1
PowerConnect(config-if-e10000-0/1/1)#mac filter-group 1
4. Configure the monitor port to use the mirror port
PowerConnect(config)#interface ethernet 0/1/5
PowerConnect(config-if-e10000-0/1/5)#acl-mirror-port ethernet 0/1/14
VLAN-based mirroring
The VLAN-Based MIrroring feature allows users to monitor all incoming traffic in one or more VLANs
by sending a mirror image of that traffic to a configured mirror port. This feature meets the
requirements of CALEA (Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act of 1994).
Configuring VLAN-based mirroring
Configure this feature using the monitor ethernet command in VLAN configuration mode. For
example, to enable mirroring on VLANs 10 and 20, to mirror port e 0/1/21, enter the following