Dell™ PowerEdge™ T610 Technical Guidebook
A. Overview / Description
Dell is focused on delivering open, flexible, and integrated solutions the help our customers reduce the
complexity of managing disparate IT assets. We build comprehensive IT management solutions.
Combining Dell PowerEdge Servers with a wide selection of Dell‑developed management solutions, we
provide customers choice and flexibility – so you can simplify and save in environments of any size.
To help you meet your server performance demands, Dell oers Dell OpenManage™ systems
management solutions for:
We oer IT management solutions for organizations of all sizes – priced right, sized right, and supported
B. Server Management
A Dell Systems Management and Documentation DVD and a Dell Management Console DVD are included
with the product. ISO images are also available. The following sections briefly describe the content.
Dell Systems Build and Update Utility: Dell Systems Build and Update Utility assists in OS install and
pre‑OS hardware configuration and updates.
OpenManage Server Administrator: The OpenManage Server Administrator (OMSA) tool provides a
comprehensive, one‑to‑one systems management solution, designed for system administrators to
manage systems locally and remotely on a network. OMSA allows system administrators to focus on
managing their entire network by providing comprehensive one‑to‑one systems management.
Management Console: Our legacy IT Assistant console is also included, as well as tools to allow access
to our remote management products. These tools include: Remote Access Service, for iDRAC, and the
BMC Management Utility.
Active Directory Snap-in Utility: The Active Directory Snap‑in Utility provides an extension snap‑in to
the Microsoft Active Directory. This allows you to manage Dell specific Active Directory objects. The
Dell‑specific schema class definitions and their installation are also included on the DVD.
Dell Systems Service Diagnostics Tools: Dell Systems Service and Diagnostics tools deliver the latest
Dell optimized drivers, utilities, and operating system‑based diagnostics that you can use to update
your system.
eDocs: The section includes Acrobat files for PowerEdge systems, storage peripheral and
OpenManage software.
Dell Management Console DVD: The Dell Management Console is a Web‑based systems management
software that enables you to discover and inventory devices on your network. It also provides advanced
functions, such as health and performance monitoring of networked devices and patch management
capabilities for Dell systems.
Server Update Utility: In addition to the Systems Management Tools and Documentation and Dell
Management Console DVDs, customers have the option to obtain Server Update Utility DVD. This
DVD has an inventory tool for managing updates to firmware, BIOS and drivers for either Linux or
Windows varieties.