CHAPTER 1 Working with DataWindow Designer
DataWindow Designer User’s Guide 11
Displaying the title bar
For most views a title bar does not permanently display at the top of a pane
(because it is often unnecessary). But you can display a title bar for any pane
either temporarily or permanently.
❖ To display a title bar:
1 Place the pointer on the splitter bar at the top of the pane.
The title bar displays.
2 To display the title bar permanently, click the pushpin at the left of the title
bar or select Pinned from its pop-up menu.
Click the pushpin again or select Pinned again on the pop-up menu to hide
the title bar.
After you display a title bar either temporarily or permanently, you can use the
title bar’s pop-up menu.
❖ To maximize a pane to fill the workspace:
• Select Maximize from the title bar’s pop-up menu or click the Maximize
button on the title bar.
❖ To restore a pane to its original size:
• Select Restore from the title bar’s pop-up menu or click the Restore button
on the title bar.
Moving and resizing panes and views
You can move a pane or a view to any location in the painter window. You
might find it takes a while to get used to moving panes and views around, but
if you do not like a layout, you can always revert to the default layout and start
again. To restore the default layout, select View>Layouts>Default.
To move a pane, you select and drag the title bar of the view that is at the top
of the stack. If the pane contains stacked views, all views in the stack move
together. To move one of the views out of the stack, you drag the tab for the
view you want to move.
❖ To move a pane:
1 Place the pointer anywhere on the title bar of the view at the top of the
stack, hold down the left mouse button, and start moving the pane.